Inicialmente desenvolvida para melhorar a recuperação e a performance de atletas, e tendo seus efeitos comprovados no tratamento de patologias musculares e inflamatórias, a crioterapia (que consiste no recurso terapêutico que se serve das temperaturas muito baixas para beneficiar o corpo humano) também pode ser empregada nos tratamentos fitness e de bem estar. De acordo com estudos de vários cientistas internacionais, incluindo os professores W. Papenfuss e T. Yamauchi, a crioterapia pode ajudar na redução do stress, melhorar as condições do sono do paciente e dramaticamente reduzir os sintomas de jet lag.
As câmaras de crioterapia estão localizadas no spa Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo, do grupo Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer, no principado de Mônaco, o favorito dos milionários e das estrelas do esporte, que recentemente recebeu o prêmio Prix Villegiature 2016 na categoria de Melhor Spa de Hotel da Europa. Três minutos nas câmaras de -60ºC e -110ºC, respectivamente, são o suficiente para notar os benefícios do tratamento dos músculos, do stress e de recuperação de energia. Tudo rigidamente monitorado.
Para que cada cliente obtenha um benefício e um prazer de sua estadia exclusiva, o Spa Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo dispõe de uma expertise humana rara, composta por 110 pessoas excelentes em 28 especialidades. Médicos e coaches desportivos para fitness aquático, alongamento, Piloxing, Pilates ou spinning, fisioterapeutas, especialista em nutrição, terapeutas de relaxamento, profissionais de spa, centro de estética ... Seja qual for a duração e a natureza do atendimento, manuais ou tecnológicos, cada terapeuta coloca suas habilidades e seu sorriso ao serviço de seu cliente para contribuir com o sucesso dos seus objetivos.
Grupo Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer
O Grupo Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer proporciona uma experiência única que combina luxo, bem-estar e gastronomia e oferece aos seus clientes um resort único no mundo: 4 hotéis (Hotel de Paris, o Hotel Hermitage, Monte-Carlo Beach, Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort), 45 salas para banquetes e de conferências para até 950 pessoas, 33 restaurantes, 4 deles agrupando um total de 6 estrelas no prestigiado Guia Michelin , e 4 cassinos, incluindo o Casino de Monte-Carlo. O Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer é um centro de vida noturna, com uma incrível variedade de bares e salas de concerto. O Grupo, que é um caçador de talentos e forte defensor da criação artística, programa eventos musicais com ousadas escolhas artísticas no Festival de Verão Sporting, no Monte-Carlo Jazz Festival, em La Rascasse ou no Buddha Bar. Sua discoteca Jimmy'z (Régine's da mítica Régine Chouckron, nos anos 70 e 80) tem sido uma das mais famosas na Europa, há mais de 40 anos.
In Monte Carlo- One of the most innovative health and wellness centers in Europe, the Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo was reopened after an extensive renovation program. Long considered one of the European leaders, Thermes Marins was opened in 1895 and has since remained on the front line of the great spas scene, offering the latest treatments and equipment with state-of-the-art technology in anti-aging, relaxation, Weight loss, beauty and recovery.
Initially developed to improve recovery and performance of athletes, and having proven effects in the treatment of muscular and inflammatory conditions, cryotherapy (which consists of the therapeutic resource that uses the very low temperatures to benefit the human body) can also be used In fitness and wellness treatments. According to studies by several international scientists, including professors W. Papenfuss and T. Yamauchi, cryotherapy can help reduce stress, improve patient sleep conditions, and dramatically reduce the symptoms of jet lag.
Cryotherapy chambers are located in the Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo spa of the Monte-Carlo Societe des Bains de Mer group, in the Principality of Monaco, the favorite of the millionaires and stars of the sport, which recently received the Prix Villegiature 2016 in the category Of Europe's Best Hotel Spa. Three minutes in the -60 ° C and -110 ° C chambers, respectively, are enough to note the benefits of muscle treatment, stress and energy recovery. Everything rigidly monitored.
For each client to obtain a benefit and a pleasure of their exclusive stay, the Spa Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo has a rare human expertise, composed of 110 excellent people in 28 specialties. Physicians and sports coaches for aquatic fitness, stretching, Piloxing, Pilates or spinning, physiotherapists, nutrition specialist, relaxation therapists, spa professionals, aesthetic center ... Whatever the duration and nature of the care, manual or technological , Each therapist puts their skills and their smile at the service of their client to contribute to the success of their goals.
Monte-Carlo Group Société des Bains de Mer
The Monte-Carlo Group Société des Bains de Mer offers a unique experience combining luxury, well-being and gastronomy and offers its guests a unique resort in the world: 4 hotels (Hotel de Paris, Hotel Hermitage, Monte-Carlo Beach, Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort), 45 banquet and conference rooms for up to 950 people, 33 restaurants, 4 of them grouping a total of 6 stars in the prestigious Michelin Guide, and 4 casinos including the Monte Carlo Casino. The Monte-Carlo Societe des Bains de Mer is a nightlife center with an incredible array of bars and concert halls. The group, which is a talent hunter and strong supporter of artistic creation, hosts musical events with daring artistic choices at the Sporting Summer Festival, the Monte-Carlo Jazz Festival, La Rascasse or the Buddha Bar. Its Jimmy'z disco club Régine's of mythical Régine Chouckron in the 70s and 80s) has been one of the most famous in Europe for more than 40 years.
Initially developed to improve recovery and performance of athletes, and having proven effects in the treatment of muscular and inflammatory conditions, cryotherapy (which consists of the therapeutic resource that uses the very low temperatures to benefit the human body) can also be used In fitness and wellness treatments. According to studies by several international scientists, including professors W. Papenfuss and T. Yamauchi, cryotherapy can help reduce stress, improve patient sleep conditions, and dramatically reduce the symptoms of jet lag.
Cryotherapy chambers are located in the Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo spa of the Monte-Carlo Societe des Bains de Mer group, in the Principality of Monaco, the favorite of the millionaires and stars of the sport, which recently received the Prix Villegiature 2016 in the category Of Europe's Best Hotel Spa. Three minutes in the -60 ° C and -110 ° C chambers, respectively, are enough to note the benefits of muscle treatment, stress and energy recovery. Everything rigidly monitored.
For each client to obtain a benefit and a pleasure of their exclusive stay, the Spa Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo has a rare human expertise, composed of 110 excellent people in 28 specialties. Physicians and sports coaches for aquatic fitness, stretching, Piloxing, Pilates or spinning, physiotherapists, nutrition specialist, relaxation therapists, spa professionals, aesthetic center ... Whatever the duration and nature of the care, manual or technological , Each therapist puts their skills and their smile at the service of their client to contribute to the success of their goals.
Monte-Carlo Group Société des Bains de Mer
The Monte-Carlo Group Société des Bains de Mer offers a unique experience combining luxury, well-being and gastronomy and offers its guests a unique resort in the world: 4 hotels (Hotel de Paris, Hotel Hermitage, Monte-Carlo Beach, Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort), 45 banquet and conference rooms for up to 950 people, 33 restaurants, 4 of them grouping a total of 6 stars in the prestigious Michelin Guide, and 4 casinos including the Monte Carlo Casino. The Monte-Carlo Societe des Bains de Mer is a nightlife center with an incredible array of bars and concert halls. The group, which is a talent hunter and strong supporter of artistic creation, hosts musical events with daring artistic choices at the Sporting Summer Festival, the Monte-Carlo Jazz Festival, La Rascasse or the Buddha Bar. Its Jimmy'z disco club Régine's of mythical Régine Chouckron in the 70s and 80s) has been one of the most famous in Europe for more than 40 years.
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